COOVID-19 Updates
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
This is an incredibly challenging situation for us all, but if there’s one thing GIVE truly believes in, it’s the collective power of humanity to band together and overcome our world’s greatest challenges. Whether you’re currently signed up to travel with us, considering traveling with us, or have a loved-one planning to travel with us, you likely have important questions that need to be answered. Hopefully we’ve answered those questions in the FAQ’s below, but please do not hesitate to call, text or email us with any further questions. We appreciate you standing by us as we continue to monitor the situation closely and make the best decisions for our GIVE family across the globe.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ’s
Do you have any confirmed cases in any of your host communities?
Currently, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in any of our host communities. We’re thankful that our partner communities have not been affected by COVID-19. We’re continuing to communicate closely with our local community leaders for updates on their health and well-being.
Is my trip confirmed to run as planned?
We are closely monitoring this rapidly changing situation. We have postponed trips in the past and will not hesitate to cancel additional trip dates for the safety and well-being of our volunteers, staff, and host communities. If you are currently signed up for a trip, we will continue to send updates via email.
Please know we are carefully considering every decision to ensure the best conclusion for volunteers, staff, host communities, and international programs. We are committed to continued evaluation of COVID-19 developments and how this virus impacts international travel, including GIVE programs. We’re closely monitoring how our collective global response to isolate COVID-19 affects the virus’ spread.
How does GIVE determine whether to run trips?
GIVE closely monitors guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of State Travel Advisories, the World Health Organization (WHO), international and local media outlets, travel and industry experts, first-hand reports from our partners and staff in-country, and other informed sources.
In particular, the CDC provides travel recommendations and assigns the following risk levels based on the potential health risks of traveling to a certain area: Watch Level 1 (Practice Usual Precautions), Alert Level 2 (Practice Enhanced Precautions), and Warning Level 3 (Avoid Nonessential Travel).
The CDC also developed a geographic risk-stratification criteria for the purpose of issuing travel health notices for countries with COVID-19 transmission and guiding public health management decisions for people with potential travel-related exposures to COVID-19. A number of factors inform the geographic risk stratification including size, geographic distribution, and epidemiology of the outbreak. Learn more about CDC’s Risk Assessment Level for COVID-19 and country-specific transmission risk.
It’s important to note that our host communities are located in rural areas that have not been affected by COVID-19; however, many lack medical care infrastructure to combat the disease. Under no circumstances will we operate trips that risk introducing or transmission of the virus to our partner communities. We’re committed to the safety and health of our host community members, who have welcomed us into their homes and built strong partnerships with us over the past 4-9 years.
We will not operate trips unless we’re confident in the safety of our trips for volunteers, staff, and host communities. GIVE takes necessary precautions to mitigate risk and maintain strong emergency preparedness, including multiple backup plans and available resources in the event that we need to alter itineraries.
We also monitor applicable layover airports to your travel destinations. International airports have enhanced health screenings and implemented precautionary measures to increase the safety of travelers. For example, airports have increased security clearance and taken precautionary measures by implementing travel restrictions from countries with high-risk of COVID-19 transmission. Health surveillance systems have been increased at international points of entry, including for COVID-19.
With the constantly changing updates related to COVID-19, we want to assure you that the safety and health of our volunteers, staff, and host communities remains our top priority. We will continue to diligently monitor the situation and assess the status of our trips.
How will my flights be affected?
With the changing status of COVID-19, our dedicated flight agents are monitoring traveler’s itineraries to keep us informed of affected flights or layover airports. They’re proactively checking upcoming flights, receiving daily alerts and notifications from the airlines, and, if needed, checking for applicable travel waivers. Some travelers may be required to change their airport layover(s) based on the CDC’s COVID-19 risk assessment as a safety precaution for volunteers and our host communities. For those with future trip dates, please wait to hear from GIVE before purchasing flights, we will let you know when it’s the best time to book. Please note that change or cancellation fees do apply that fall outside of an airlines waiver policy. GIVE does not have control over airline policies or government travel regulations. For the most recent flight information, please continue to refer to the Travel Details section of our website.
What happens if my flight gets canceled?
In the event your flight is cancelled and you are unable to rebook a new flight to your host country, GIVE will assist you to transfer to another date or location. Your trip cost will be transferred to the new trip without any transfer fees.
What if I go on the trip, but my flights are delayed home?
GIVE has staff on the ground to assist you if you’re unable to travel home on your original departure date, whether because of flight changes/cancellations, you’re feeling ill, or another unforeseeable circumstance. Our staff will ensure you have accommodations, food, and resources until you can be re-accommodated to fly home. This includes assisting you to the doctor if you are sick, coordinating with your travel insurance, and rebooking your flights (if you booked through GIVE’s dedicated agents).
When would GIVE cancel my trip? What happens then?
Under no circumstances will we operate trips if we believe your safety will be compromised. We will cancel your trip if closer to your trip departure date, we determine that continuing will be unsafe for you, our staff, or partner host communities. In addition to email updates, we will contact you if your trip status changes. If we are forced to cancel your trip for safety reasons, we will do our best to give you as much notice as possible.
In the event that we cancel your trip, we will notify you, then work with you to transfer all amounts paid towards your GIVE trip cost to a different trip or hold your funds until a later date. You will not lose payments made to your GIVE trip. GIVE will work with you to protect your financial investment in this program and re-accommodate you on another trip in the future.
With the changing status of COVID-19, it’s difficult to determine an exact timeframe. We will provide more information in email updates. We appreciate your understanding during this uncertain time.
What if I want to cancel my trip?
At GIVE we whole heartedly believe in what we call, Team Human. To us, this concept means joining together as unique individuals and collectively leaving our world better than we found it. On Team Human, no one person holds more worth than another, and all problems are solvable if we collaborate as one unified team. So much is similar as we watch people coming together from all corners of our beautiful world to flatten the curve of COVID-19. We need each other in this uncertain time and GIVE needs you now more than ever.
We ask that if you decide not to travel this year – Please consider postponing your travel plans, not canceling them completely. We have updated our terms and conditions with options to reschedule your trip in response to COVID-19.
This short article by Juliet Kinsman resonates deeply with GIVE, and we hope that you take the few minutes to read it. She encourages that, “changing the date of that booked holiday could be the kindest thing to do right now. Rather than seeking a refund, simply postponing plans might be a greater help than you could imagine. It may not feel right even thinking about travel right now – but we will want to. And until we do, there are a lot of people out there relying on us.”
We are relying on you, but even more, our host communities are relying on you. With your postponement, GIVE is able to continue our work abroad, even in the possible absence of volunteers. Local teachers will be paid, houses will be built, students will fill the classrooms, permaculture plots will be planted and nurtured, and ultimately GIVE’s mission will continue. And next year, or the year after, or the year after that… whenever you join us in volunteering abroad – you will be welcomed with open arms, and you will see that impact firsthand. We will tell stories of this trying time, and together we will celebrate in making it through.
On Team Human we have a responsibility to look out for each other, to show up for each other, to lift each other up when needed, and face uncertainty together as a team. Kinsman closes her article reminding us that, “what this crazy, untamable virus has shown us is we’re all connected.” We’re all on Team Human.
What about my deposit?
If we’re unable to run the trip, your non-refundable deposit will be credited to a future trip. In these uncertain times, one things for certain: you will not lose your deposit (or additional funds paid towards your trip). We know how excited you are for your trip and we’re excited to have you whenever the timing is right.
It’s important to remember that your deposit is not only funding your volunteer program, it’s also funding the sustainable development initiatives GIVE is implementing throughout the year. Therefore, some of the funds from your deposit have already been allocated to things like teacher salaries in Tanzania, public workshops for sustainable agriculture in Thailand and Laos, and computer literacy classes in Nicaragua. Furthermore, in the rare cases that we do have to cancel our volunteer programs, your deposit is a critical lifeline for our project initiatives. So, even if our volunteer programs are temporarily suspended, your deposit guarantees that our project initiatives will endure. How cool is that?
What can I do now until my trip?
It’s essential that we all take COVID-19 extremely seriously and take precaution, no matter your age or health. It’s our social, global, and human responsibility. Those who are young and healthy may not show significant symptoms, but can still carry it onto vulnerable populations who are at a higher risk of getting very sick from this illness. COVID-19 can be life-threatening for people with preexisting health conditions, lung disease, compromised immune systems, or the elderly.
Read more about how to protect yourself on the CDC’s website. Here’s some ways to monitor your daily habits between now and your trip:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60%–95% alcohol. Soap and water should be used if your hands are visibly dirty.
- It is especially important to wash your hands after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces, especially “high-touch” areas like doorknobs, counters, light switches, or remote controls.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands.
- If you have a fever and cough and have difficulty breathing, seek medical care immediately.
- Do not travel if you are sick or are showing symptoms.
- Quarantine yourself at home for at least 14 days if you come in contact with anyone who’s infected with COVID-19, or you suspect is infected. If you start to show symptoms, seek medical advice by phoning the appropriate local emergency telephone service.
What if I have questions?
We’re a people-first organization and are here for you! Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or require any additional information at this time. We’ll provide volunteers with updates if there are any changes to our future programs as well.