GIVE Foundation




We empower local, social entrepreneurs around the world to drive lasting, positive change in their own communities and unite them around the common, critical goals of our global community.

give foundation Fundraiser

Think Global. Act Local. 


Many of the greatest challenges we face as a planet – global poverty, educational inequality, climate change, food insecurity and biodiversity loss – must be solved from the ground up. Without a common global purpose and active stakeholders at the grassroots level, no lasting changes will be able to take root in countries and communities around the world.

The GIVE Foundation envisions a future where local, social entrepreneurs are enacting solutions to poverty reduction, educational equity, women’s empowerment, wildlife conservation, food security and ecosystem restoration across the planet. These local leaders, educators and innovators hold the keys to unlocking the potential of their own communities. It is our mission to unite them around humanity’s shared goals and values: Education, Environment & Entrepreneurship.

Discover how you can help solve our world’s greatest challenges by investing in locally-driven, outcome-oriented and market-based solutions around the globe.

Where We Work

GIVE WILD GIVE Nicaragua GIVE Tanzania GIVE Nepal GIVE Laos GIVE Thailand GIVE Vietnam

Why Support The GIVE Foundation?

Locally led, Market-Driven & Outcome-Based Solutions

When you support the GIVE Foundation, you are directly investing in the innovative thinkers, the ambitious students, the passionate educators and the compassionate leaders who have the greatest capacity to achieve positive outcomes in their home countries and communities. With proven success operating in six countries, we provide training, funding and expertise to effective social enterprises, NGO’s, institutions, nonprofits, cooperatives and educators working to increase access to quality education, protect the environment and expand pathways to entrepreneurship.

Let’s invest in local, social entrepreneurs.

Local Leadership Spotlight

David Chogo

Founder of Green Paw Adventures in Tanzania

“I wish to be able to give job opportunities, education and focus to the youth. I know this is going to be an inspiration. I will be able to show them the real ways of any successful life, starting from the bottom.”

Ann Jitsook

Founder of Hand2Trunk in Thailand

“It has always been my dream to share my passion for elephants with people from around the world and introduce them to the local people who care for them.”


Computer Science Teacher in Nicaragua

“I strive to focus on educating the youth so they can begin developing intellectually, socially and economically from a young age and become more active members in society. That’s what this country really needs.”

Our Mission, Vision & Values

Our Mission


To increase access to education, preserve the environment and expand pathways to entrepreneurship around the world.


Our Vision


A global network of empowered, prosperous communities, united by humanity’s shared values & driven towards our common goals.


Our Core Values

Education: Every child deserves their fundamental right to an education. 

Environment: When our planet’s ecosystems thrive, so do our people. 

Entrepreneurship: Local, social entrepreneurs can unlock their community’s potential. 


Nursery, primary and secondary students receiving access to quality education. Learn more about our education initiatives.



Captive Asian Elephants receiving free access to veterinary care and positive reinforcement training. Learn more about our projects.


Jobs created by our Strategic Alliance of social enterprises working in six countries around the world. Learn more about our social entrepreneurs.



GIVE Alumni spreading our mission to empower global citizens, inspire growth and ignite sustainable change worldwide. Learn more about our legacy.

Curious about going on a GIVE trip?

Explore our locations below