GIVE: The Events that Shaped Me
Written by: Hilary Daniels
In only fifteen days volunteering in Nicaragua with GIVE, I truly had a life changing experience. Looking back at my photos, videos, and journal notes, I’ve tried countless times to spark something profound to write or talk about, but couldn’t pinpoint one, individual thing.
There aren’t words to describe the feeling of seeing all the progress our hands made at the worksite. The feeling of climbing a volcano or the rush of hurtling back down. The simple moments are even harder to describe, like when the group had quiet moments watching the storm or stargazing on the beach. These events that changed my life are some of the hardest moments for me to express.
I can’t say if it was because of the country, volunteer projects, people, or adventures; it was most likely all of the above. The experience wouldn’t have been complete with one of the components missing.
“GIVE gave me the roots for change as we planted them in the community as well.”
I shake my head and smile because I can’t possibly describe the events that shaped me.
When I got back, everyone asked me, “How was your trip?” I was prepared for the question and as someone who had travelled numerous times before, I was prepared to gush about all the wonderful things I did and saw. I wanted to talk about the people I met, the school I helped build, the children I taught, the food, the beach, the animals, everything. I wanted everyone to see what I had seen and feel what I had felt. But more often than not, when posed with simplest question, “How was your trip” I just smile. I shake my head and smile because I can’t possibly describe the events that shaped me.
As a senior in college, I thought I had it pretty much figured out.
I wasn’t expecting my life to change in the middle of Nicaragua with a bunch of strangers by my side. I knew that in a matter of months I would be graduating and moving on with my “real” life. Then I went on this excursion, becoming a part of a community that welcomed us strangers with open arms. I shared in laughter with the locals. I shared sympathy with fellow volunteers. I saw such passion and love for education, more than I have ever seen in my four years as a high school English education major. I saw pure joy in the eyes of people who had nothing by American standards, but more love than any one person I knew back at home.
I wasn’t expecting to learn from the people of Nicaragua. I wasn’t waiting for that life changing moment and I didn’t realize I had it until I came home. But I did have that moment, and I did learn so much from the people in the community. I learned to smile, love, and be grateful. Such simple lessons that I didn’t realize I had forgotten until an eight-year-old local boy reminded me. I learned that we can’t rely on things to make us happy, we have to find that in ourselves, in our friends, and in our family.
I came away from this trip with far more than I was expecting to gain. I learned more than I ever would have spending that time at home and met some of the kindest people in the process. I gained a family throughout our journey and memories that I wouldn’t give up for the world. I certainly didn’t go to Nicaragua looking to change my life, and as cliché as it sounds, my life did change. GIVE gave me the roots for change as we planted them in the community as well. For that I will be forever grateful and cherish every memory I gained during the excursion.