GIVE: Lift the Stars of the Future
There’s no better way to Be the Roots of Change then to lift up the stars of the future.
Working hand-in-hand with the community in a small fishing village in Nicaragua, GIVE volunteers built a school using 15,000 plastic bottles collected from a community generated recycling program. Volunteers laid the foundation, filled plastic bottles with sand and inorganic trash, mixed cement, and built the school walls. Volunteers and local children painted stars on the bottle ends as a reminder of the value of education to lift up the stars of the future! Watch the video above to experience this incredible endeavor!
The eco-friendly school focuses on vocational skills, such as marine mechanics, to educate locals with specific trades to enter the workforce and ultimately build the community in a sustainable way. GIVE continues to utilize unprecedented, cutting edge, eco-friendly building techniques in this community as well as others abroad.
Our Mission: To inspire growth, empower global citizens, and ignite sustainable change worldwide.